Child Law

With a decade of experience in Child Law matters and being the only Highland based firm regularly appearing in Children’s Hearings and acting in Children’s Referral proceedings we know how important it is to obtain specialist legal advice from the outset. Sound legal representation and advice in the initial stages can really make a difference to how your case progresses thereafter. Based in Inverness we are aware of the particular geographical and resource challenges which present to individuals who find themselves within the Children’s referral system throughout the Highlands and Islands and we use that insight and understanding to provide tailored and accessible advice and representation to all of our clients. 

Director, Elise Peden has been accredited by the Law Society as a Specialist in Child Law and has experience from 5 years of acting as a government appointed Safeguarder providing independent reports to the panel to assist in their decision making. As such Elise is in the unique position of understanding not only the legal issues which arise within the referral system but also the practical implications of the decisions made and the impact of the process on the children and families affected.

We will always provide child-centred advice and representation in a manner that will preserve, as far as possible, relations between family members and avoid, as far as it is within our control, drawn out court processes which often only serve to cause stress and upset to the children and families engaged in the children’s referral system.

If you would like to chat to us about your Child Law issue please do not hesitate to call us on 01463 513789