Complaints Procedure

Our aim is to provide an efficient service at all times, but if you are unhappy about any aspect, then this document sets out what you can do. We recognise that Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations have implemented ADR/EDR Directive 2013/11/EU to promote alternative dispute resolution as a means of redress for consumers in relation to unsatisfactory services. We have however chosen not to adopt an ADR process.

  1. You should first of all contact the solicitor dealing with your case. If you already have and are dissatisfied with the response, or if you feel unable to contact them, then contact the firm’s Client Relations Manager, Elizabeth (Elise) Peden (
  • Please set out in writing, if at all possible, the reason for your complaint, telling us the reasons briefly, preferably in numbered paragraphs if you have more than one issue. This will hopefully mean that we do not miss any issues you would like to be addressed. Please also let us know what you would like to happen as a result of the complaint.
  • We will aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 7 days and give you an answer within 28 days of receipt of your complaint, holidays and absence permitting.
  • Our answer will normally be in writing, but if you would prefer a meeting, or some other form of communication, let us know.
  • We will set out our answers which will hopefully explain our position to your complaint and set out any corrective measures that may have been indicated by the investigation. If we determine that we cannot satisfy your preferred outcome we will let you know our reasoning.
  • Please be aware that where a complaint is received from someone other than our client, then because of our duty of confidentiality to our client, and where it applies in any case, legal privilege, this may restrict or prevent us being able to give a full answer to the complaint raised.
  • If we are not able to satisfactorily deal with any concern you have, you can of course contact the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (“SLCC”) at:

The Stamp Office, 10 – 14 Waterloo Place, EDINBURGH, EH1 3EG, telephone 0131 528 5111, email or visit their website at

Please be aware that the SLCC operates strict time limits for accepting complaints, which require complaints to be made within three years of the service ending or the conduct occurring, unless they consider you were excusably unaware of your concerns.